31 Mar 2024
Part 3-4 Seeing & Believing
John 20:1-10
Ps Laurence Lee
John 20:1-10 reveals the journey from doubt to faith as Mary Magdalene and the disciples Peter & John encounter the empty tomb. Through this event, we learn that seeing isn't always believing, but faith transforms doubt into conviction.
Here are three stages of faith: hearing, seeing, believing. This Easter let us live by faith and not be sight. And when we do that, we will see.

About this series
John referred to himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved. He didn't just record events of Jesus' life, but also shared firsthand experiences and intimate moments of his encounters with the Lord. John, in his gospel, invites us to believe in Jesus.
In this series, we will journey with John through four key events leading up to and following Easter Sunday. Through these events, let us experience the transformative power of Jesus' resurrection.
Past sermons
Ps Denis Lu
Ps Laurence Lee