20 Aug 2023
Part 3-4 Money: Always on Your Mind
Matthew 6:25-34
Ps Denis Lu
Money always makes us stressed up and worried about the future. As a result, many resulted to hoard up wealth in order to reduce our worries for the future. Listen to what Jesus taught his disciples and avoid being overly worried.
About this series
The Bible says a lot about money and possessions. It might surprise us to know that Jesus touched on money, wealth and possessions in 11 of the 40 parables that he taught. Why did Jesus centre so much of his teachings on money?
Jesus talked so much about money because the way we view money and our attitudes toward money reveal our hearts’ condition and our priorities.
Since money is such a central topic in our lives, we need know how to be wise stewards of money from a biblical perspective.
Past sermons
Ps Denis Lu
Ps Laurence Lee